There are a lot of different Terminator busts out there.
T800, T1000, T-X, T600 and more.
Especially the T800 has been done to death.
At some point I decided, I wanted to show the evolution of SkyNet Terminators by displaying their respective busts.
As seen in Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines, the first Terminator built by CRS was the T-1.
Since there was no bust of this Terminator available, it became a project.
I played around with various techniques, but since I wasn’t a sculptor I commissioned one in 2009.
Year and years passed by and I was only shown half baked attempts of pushing clay around.
During the SpaceDays in 2019, I got to know a nice guy and skilled 3D modeller. His name was Dieter Joppich.
We agreed on a price and he built me the T-1 in cinema4D.
Only small resin printers were available at that time, but it should eventually take longer before I would have a completed T-1 bust, which I did not know at that time.
So we had the change to use the bigger printers.
During the physically building of the prototype, I made several changes and got Nico onboard (sorry! :D).
Lee Yee Pei built us a different housing for the inner pistons, Nico did also some 3D work and I had to paint and put all that stuff together.
We were dumb enough to decide to make a run of a few to get some of the money back that we had spent.
Biggest mistake ever, besides my real work I had never worked my ass off so hard.
We had so many frustration moments during re-arranging things in the build.
Nico did a lot of printing, building molds and casting and I am happy that I am still allowed to call him friend today 🙂
David printed all the bases in PETG.
Anyway, if someone wants a T-1 for their collection, feel free to contact me.